
Poroshenko wants the law on the status of the occupied Donbass to be adopted urgently - the source 09/29/2017 15:06:53. Total views 827. Views today — 0.

The Presidential Administration has finalized the agreement with the partners on the bill "On the peculiarities of the state policy for restoring Ukraine's sovereignty over the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk and the Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine", the source of the Yevropeiska Pravda in the Presidential Administration reports.

In the near future, the document will be registered in the parliament. The subject of legislative initiative has not yet been determined, but there is a high probability that the bill will be submitted by the president as urgent one.

After consultations with foreign partners, including the Normandy Four and the United States, the draft was amended.

The bill should legislatively fix the status of Russia as an aggressor country. The legal regime of the ATO will be replaced by a new regime, which is not currently in the legislation.

"We are introducing the term "Russian occupation authorities". We also note that Ukraine does not bear any responsibility for the actions of the occupation authorities and recognizes as void all documents adopted by the occupation authorities", - the source told.

The Presidential Administration expects that the adoption of the law will strengthen Ukraine's position in the UN International Court of Justice, and will also help in coordinating the format of the peacekeeping operation that Ukraine needs.

"The basic principle of the UN peacekeeping operations is impartiality, and we will be able to demand that there be no Russians in the peacekeeping mission if they are recognized as an aggressor country", - the interlocutor noted.

At the same time, the drafters of the law insist that the new law will need to be adopted within one plenary week. This is due to the fact that on October 18, the law on a special order of local self-government in certain regions of Donbass expires.

"We hope that the deputies will show a state position", - the interlocutor noted.

As previously reported, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that representatives of Russia, the aggressor country, cannot enter the UN peacekeeping mission in the Donbass, since then the main principle of the UN - impartiality - will be violated.