
About 20 cars were under militants' fire near "Mayorske" checkpoint 09/21/2017 12:10:08. Total views 901. Views today — 0.

About 20 cars with civilians were under the militants' fire in the area of "Mayorske" checkpoint as a result of provocation by illegal armed formations on September 20. This is reported by the press centre of the ATO headquarters.

"Knowing that "Mayorske" checkpoint completes its work on the pass of citizens at 18.30, the militants committed provocation once again, having let about 20 cars with civilians outside their checkpoint. So, people who tried to enter the territory under Ukraine's control became hostages of circumstance. At the same time, the militants opened fire on our positions. Civilians, including old people and women with children, were caught in the line of fire and were forced to flee and seek refuge in the positions of Ukrainian military", - the report said.

The Ukrainian military immediately informed the JCCC and the OSCE observation mission about this provocation. But, despite the fact that the militants reported on the compliance with ceasefire near "Mayorske" checkpoint, the enemy started shelling within five minutes again.

The Ukrainian military evacuated the civilians to a safer place and secured them during the night.

"This regular provocation clearly demonstrates that the militants neglect the security and the life of civilians and cynically violate the truce", - the ATO headquarters stresses.