
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 09/06/2017 10:31:53. Total views 1074. Views today — 0.

Media: "The head of the DNR Alexander Zakharchenko stressed that it is possible to talk about peacekeepers in the Donbass only after the Ukrainian party fulfills part of the Minsk agreements that concerns security. In particular, this is compliance with ceasefire and removal of heavy weapons. "Only after that, we can talk about peacekeepers as security guards of the OSCE observers in detail. Otherwise, if armaments of the Ukrainian party remain on the line of delineation and Kyiv will carry itself like today, peacekeepers can become an object of provocation from the Ukrainian party. In any case, we are ready to discuss this initiative and insist that no changes in the format of settlement are possible without the approval of the DNR and the LNR", - Zakharchenko said".

"The head of the LNR" Igor Plotnitsky: "Only under the conditions of ceasefire and withdrawal of Ukrainian troops and weapons from the line of demarcation, we can return to consideration of the issues of introducing the UN peacekeepers to the Donbass".

"Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DNR" Natalia Nikonorova: "Suggestion of the President of Russia on the introduction of the UN peacekeepers to ensure the safety of the OSCE mission on the contact line in the Donbass can contribute to the achievement of two important goals: firstly, the speedy implementation of agreements for the withdrawal of forces and equipment from the contact line and, secondly, careful monitoring of compliance with these agreements after the withdrawal".

Media: "Command and staff mobilization training exercises began at the firing ranges of the DNR. This was stated by the deputy commander of the operational command of the republic Eduard Basurin. He explained that during the exercises, servicemen of the Republic, in cooperation with the military registration and enlistment office, will work out the issues of recruitment of volunteers in the ranks of the DNR in case of the enemy aggression".

"People's Militia of the LNR": "Three soldiers of the LNR People's Militia dead during the fire-fighting operations on the field, mine-studded by saboteurs".

"The LNR State Bank": "Specialists of the LNR State Bank installed ATMs and POS-terminals with the necessary software in a number of branches. The installed equipment is ready for operation, but has not yet been put into operation. As of September 5, six ATMs were installed in branches of the State Bank in Luhansk".

Media: "Ophthalmologic department of the republican children's clinical hospital in the Kalininskyi district of Donetsk opened on September 5 after three years of downtime".

"Luhanskvoda state-owned enterprise of the LNR": "The LNR currently produce almost 2.2 times more water than in the pre-war period from its own sources of water supply".

Media: "Presentation of "Monuments of military glory of the Lugansk region" gift set of postcards was held in Luhansk Local History Museum. The set of postcards includes 15 monuments of military glory of the Luhansk region".

"The LNR MIA": "On September 4, the LNR police seized drugs for $43 thousand".

"The LNR MIA": "In one of the yards of Yubileynyi micro district of Khartsyzsk, four boys aged 9 and 8 years fed birds near the pigeon-house. It was noticed by the drunken 60-year-old owner of pigeon-house, who fired several shots from a pneumatic gun on children from the balcony of his apartment. All four minors suffered injuries of soft tissues of various parts of the body. A criminal case was opened against the citizen of Khartsyzsk".