
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 09/01/2017 11:21:58. Total views 1182. Views today — 0.

The MIA of the LNR": "Law enforcement officials of the LNR withdrew 325 tons of coal at two "makeshift coalmines" in Krasnyi Luch".

Media: "The head of the LNR Igor Plotnitsky awarded killed deputies of the People's Council of the LNR Krivonosov and Kuznetsov with the Order "For Service and Courage of the second degree" posthumously.

Media: "Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, having lost his assets in the republics of Donbass, compensated the losses by creating an energy monopoly in Ukraine. This was stated by the head of "Special Status" Centre for Sociological Research, the candidate of political science Alexander Protsenko, commenting on the Kyivenergo company acquisition by Akhmetov.

Media: "Residents of Pervomaisk in the LNR unveiled an embedded stone of memorial to the victims of Ukrainian aggression".

"The MIA of the DNR": "Employees of the DNR MIA detained members of the organized crime group, suspected of taking bribes. Employees of the medical and social expert commission illegally received money from citizens for determining the degree of disablement and the assessment of disability".

"The DNR Ministry of Education and Science": This year, more than 142 thousand schoolchildren will start schooling in general secondary schools".

"The DNR Ministry of Education and Science": From September 1, "School No 4 – Cadet Corps" Republican general educational institution starts its work in Donetsk. The education will take place according to the programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education with in-depth study of individual subjects and specialized training in the military-sports orientation".

"Acting Minister of Agro-Industrial Policy and Food of the DNR" Vladimir Antonov": In the course of harvest-2017, the republic harvested a grain crop, which amounted to 399 thousand tons. The expected amount of wheat out of the harvested crop will exceed 120 thousand tons with the need for it in the DNR for 107 thousand tons per year. This means that the republic's food security will be fully ensured".

"The LNR Council of Ministers": "The Council of Ministers of the LNR abolished mandatory certification of cars from the Russian Federation in the LNR".

Media: "Employees of Donzheldorproekt Donetsk Planning and Surveying Railway Transport Institute state-owned enterprise began to develop a project to restore the building of railway station in Vuhlehirsk, which was damaged in battles for the city in winter 2014-2015".

Media: "Residents of the Luhansk and the Donetsk regions decided to go into labour in the LNR because of the high level of medical care".

"The MIA of the DNR": "In Shakhtarsk, law enforcement officials of the DNR detained a 20-year-old resident of the city of Kirovske, who attacked a 21-year-old girl for selfish motives with intent to take possession of property and deliberately tried to deprive her of life".