
The police institutes baggage check and cars searching of citizens in the Odessa oblast 08/30/2017 12:34:18. Total views 934. Views today — 0.

The police institutes baggage check and cars searching of citizens in the Odessa oblast in order to strengthen security. This is stated in the address of the head of Odessa National Police Department Dmytro Holovin.

The police emphasize that the problem of combating crimes related to the use of weapons and explosives is very urgent in today's conditions.

According to Holovin, the reasons for instituting tightened security are the prevention of crimes involving the use of weapons and explosive devices in the territory of oblast. Therefore, a number of measures is introduced, including checks of citizens, their baggage and vehicles.

"I address all not indifferent citizens to understand such measures. Be vigilant and report to the police about detection of objects of interest (abandoned bags, suitcases, boxes) and about persons whose behavior or appearance arouse suspicion of the possibility of committing terrorist acts", - Holovin noted.

He promised to effectively respond to reports of detection of objects of interest in places of work, residence or congestion.

"Report any information concerning the movement of unidentified equipment and groups of people, the temporary settlement of suspicious strangers", - Holovin called on citizens.