
Luhansk separatists carry suitcases with money for water to Ukraine. Under the cover of the SBU - Danego 07/26/2017 15:40:31. Total views 763. Views today — 0.

The mechanism of payment to Ukraine for water supplied to the occupied territory, agreed earlier in Minsk, turned out to be illegal. Representatives of the so-called "LNR" simply carry money in cash in suitcases. The representative of Plotnitsky in Minsk Vladislav Danego told about this on the air of the "state" TV company of the "LNR".

"We are trying to bring money there in order to pay for water. I can open the veil of this process – literally, we carry money in a suitcase. This suitcase is escorted by the SBU officials. They help us to deliver money for water, as it is under the control of the Minsk process. Suddenly, the employees of another department of the SBU seize this group, including their colleagues, who allegedly violate the legislation of Ukraine. That is, two departments of the SBU are not able to agree among themselves. One helps us and the other suppresses the unlawful in the Ukrainian legislation on ATO activity", - Danego said.

At the same time, according to Danego, the payment was realized, although the representatives of Ukraine did not arrive "at the point" of transferring money.

"We found a mechanism. Yes, this mechanism worked, but in order for it to work, we had to turn a blind eye to several serious moments. Ukraine did not fulfill its obligations. They did not arrive at the point, where we had to transfer money. They did not create a safe environment, and the OSCE observers also could not come to this point. As a result, we had to damage the security of our representatives, who provided this mechanism of payment, we had to take a risk and complete our part of the obligations after all in conditions that are absolutely dangerous for our people – to give money to the Ukrainian bank".