
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 07/26/2017 10:53:01. Total views 1136. Views today — 0.

"Chairman of the People's Council of the DNR" Denis Pushilin: "Unfortunately, the issue of weapon deliveries to Ukraine from the United States is raised not for the first time. A positive resolution of this issue will only lead to an aggravation of the situation on the contact line and escalation of the conflict".

"Authorized Representative of the LNR" in the Minsk negotiations Vladislav Danego: "I think we will be able to get any defensive weapons delivered to Ukraine from the United States, in the same way as before. Representatives of the current Ukrainian armed forces will either sell it to us, or lose it in the course of hostilities".

"MOE of the DNR": "On July 27, the 67th humanitarian aid convoy arrives from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation to the DNR. According to preliminary data, the humanitarian cargo will include over 260 tons of baby food and 30 tons of medicines".

Media: "The Donetsk filtering station resumed its work after three days of downtime due to shelling. The representative of the municipal enterprise Water of Donbass reported this. "We managed to launch the DFS at 13:55. All the works are completed without problems and delays", - the representative of the company said".

Media: "18 children of employees of the Komsomolskiy Mining Group company (the DNR), where the external management was introduced, went for recreation to the Don’s Pearl sanatorium located in the Voronezh region of Russia".

"Acting Rector of the Luhansk National University" Natalia Sviridova: "This year, we founded the Institute of Civil Protection, where we will recruit, among others, graduates of the Luhansk Cossack cadet corps named after air marshal Efimov to protect the civilian population".

Media: "The Library of Alchevsk invites poets and writers from Ukraine to creative cooperation".

Media: "A master class of the 31-year-old Russian actor Pavel Afonkin was held at the Donetsk Academic Music and Drama Theater. Afonkin told how in one of the performances his character was supposed to shoot himself at the end of the monologue, be he discovered that there was no pistol in his pocket. According to Afonkin, such situations are useful for actors, they force them to improvise and act not in accordance with the pattern".