
The occupation authorities artificially create queues in front of Crimean checkpoints - Border Service 07/21/2017 14:12:25. Total views 840. Views today — 0.

Currently, the occupation forces let pass in average not more than 10 cars per hour and activate their work only during the stay of the shooting groups of Russian propaganda channels, the press service of the State Border Service of Ukraine informs.

The occupation authorities continue to artificially create queues in front of checkpoints.

"Because of such provocative actions, citizens are forced to stand idly for several hours. Currently, the occupation forces let pass in average not more than 10 cars per hour and activate their work only during the stay of the shooting groups of Russian propaganda channels. As of 11:00, Friday there are about 85 cars in the artificial queue at the "Chongar" checkpoint and there are no queues in front of the "Kalanchak" and "Chaplynka" checkpoints”, - the message says.

The passenger flow to the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea continues to decrease, the press service of the State Border Guard Service informs.

It was noted that for June 2017, the administrative border in both directions was crossed by citizens less than in the same period last year by 13%, and vehicles - less by 21%. A similar situation is in July, when during two weeks, there are already less by 13% citizens and cars - by 27% than for the same period in 2016.