
General Prosecutor's Office applied to the Russian Federation with a request to extradite militant Pogodin, who killed a schoolboy from Kramatorsk 07/21/2017 12:55:44. Total views 1350. Views today — 0.

The General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine applied to Russia with a request to extradite the militant of the so-called DNR, Vadim Pogodin, who is suspected of murdering Stepan Chubenko, a schoolboy from Kramatorsk, in 2014. This was reported by the press secretary of Prosecutor General Larysa Sarhan on Facebooke.

"The Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yevhen Yenin: Today we applied to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation with a request to transfer one of the "DNR" leaders Vadim Pogodin, who had brutally murdered a minor Stepan Chubenko in Donetsk in 2014, to us. V.Pogodin was detained and is kept in the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea", - her report said.

At the same time, Yenin emphasizes that this apply is not recognition of Russian jurisdiction in the Crimea.

"I immediately say to all the fans of treason: this is not recognition of the Crimea as Russian. International conventions and practice of courts of supranational jurisdiction testify to the obligation of states to carry out legal cooperation even if they are at war and occupy parts of their territories", - Sarhan quotes the Deputy Prosecutor General.

He noted that Ukrainian party would do everything possible to ensure that criminals carry the punishment provided for by law, even if they are hiding in the temporarily occupied territory.

Yenin addressed the Russian prosecutors: "If you still have at least some conscience and honor, do not hide the killer of the child! V.Pogodin must bear the legal penalty for especially grave crime".

As previously reported, Stalina Chubenko, the mother of 16-year-old Stepan, killed by the "DNR" militants, demanded that the Ukrainian authorities did everything possible to extradite Vadim Pogodin, the murderer of her son, from the occupied Crimea to Ukraine.

It was earlier reported that the militant-"battalion commander" of "Kerch" illegal armed formation Vadim Pogodin was detained in occupied Yalta in late June.

According to the data of the National Police Headquarters in the Donetsk oblast, the investigation has evidence of the involvement of three malefactors in the death of the player of youth team of Avanhard Kramatorsk football club, who was killed in July 2014. In 2015, Pogodin was summoned to give testimony on this case.

In the summer of 2014, Stepan Chubenko, the goalkeeper of youth system of Kramatorsk Avanhard, was killed. The boy participated in rallies in support of the integrity of Ukraine, which were held in Kramatorsk. During the shelling, he helped the elderly to go down in the shelter, carried them water when the city was cut off from the water supply. Risking his life, Stepan took the "DNR" flag down from the city square. In June 2014, Stepan went to a friend in Kyiv. On June 23, he took the train in the capital to return home. He traveled through Donetsk, where he was detained by militants of "Kerch" battalion for blue-and-yellow ribbon on the backpack. The Ukrainian patriot was shot dead after the tortures.