
Two Ukrainian fighters were killed, four were injured in the east of Ukraine over the past day 07/19/2017 13:02:55. Total views 1112. Views today — 0.

"In total, the truce was disturbed 23 times during the past twenty-four hours. Two of our fighters were killed, four were wounded. The ATO forces opened fire 14 times in return, using mostly small arms and heavy machine guns", - the report said.

In the evening and at night, the hardest situation was in the Donetsk direction. Beginning at 17.50 and in fact until 22 p.m., militants hit the positions of ATO forces in near Avdiivka from the direction of Yasynuvata and Yakovlivka from mortar shells of 120 and 82 millimeters, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms. About 21 p.m., the illegal armed formations twice covered the strong points in Krasnohorivka from the tanks.

The militants twice fired upon the residential districts of Avdiivka in the second half of the day as well. As a result of the explosion of an 82-millimeter mine, two civilians were injured.

As a result of shelling of strong points of the AFU from mortars and grenade launchers near Zaitseve and Nevelske, two servicemen of the ATO forces were killed.

On the Luhansk direction, Ukrainian positions in the villages of Donets and Stanytsia Luhanska were under the enemy fire from small arms.