
"Housing for displaced persons". Works at the facilities in Sloviansk, which were repaired for the EU money, are suspended 07/19/2017 12:17:15. Total views 1305. Views today — 2.

Works at two facilities in Sloviansk, which were repaired for the EU money in the framework of the "Housing for displaced persons" project, are suspended. This was told by the mayor of Sloviansk Vadym Liakh, - Slovianski Vidomosti website reports.

This project was financed by donors from the EU. The beginning of works was delayed for almost two years. As of today, works at two facilities are suspended in all. The previous contract had ended on May 30 and the EU had once again extended the contract for the use of two buildings for six months.

According to Vadym Liakh, the next tender will be announced after the session of the city council. The current contractor was sent documents with complaints. Documents for filing a lawsuit are being prepared. Claims are expressed in the amount of $3860 for each facility.

The mayor said that the contractor did not meet the deadline, as he did not estimate his capabilities. According to the works done, the contractor - Luch company - was paid about $31 thousand.

The city authorities are afraid that the company which did not fulfill the deadline may apply for the tender again, since even filing to the court is not a reason to refuse to participate in the tender.

There were several scandals related to the holding of tenders around these buildings. Then, during almost the whole year, they could not determine the contractor for the performance of these works. In March 2017, the contractor was determined, and the works began, but, judging by the information provided by the mayor, Luch did not fulfill its obligations.

According to the media, the EU office may apply a veto for financing any projects in Sloviansk for a period of 5 years as a penalty.