
The "DNR" announced "cancellation" of Ukraine and the establishment of "Malorossia state" with its capital in Donetsk 07/18/2017 12:49:18. Total views 1223. Views today — 0.

The "DNR" announced the establishment of the of "Malorossia state" with its capital in Donetsk. Militants say that among the founders were the "LNR" and unnamed representatives of 19 regions of Ukraine, - separatist media write.

"The Constitutional Act of the New State" was read in the occupied Donetsk by the so-called "acting deputy prime minister of the DNR" Alexander Timofeev.

"We, representatives of regions of former Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea, are declaring the establishment of a new state, which would be the successor to Ukraine. We agree that the new state shall be called Malorossia, as the very name of Ukraine has discredited itself", - Interfax quoted Zakharchenko as saying. The city of Donetsk should become the capital of "Malorossia".

Earlier, the leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko read a "political declaration", which justifies the need to create "Malorossia".

In particular, as Interfax writes, Zakharchenko said that the flag of Bohdan Khmelnytsky was recognized as the flag of "Malorossia".

"We proceed from the fact that the Donetsk People's Republic, along with the Luhansk People's Republic, remain the only territories of Ukraine, not counting the Crimea, on which the legitimate authority is still preserved", - he said.

Zakharchenko also added that the state of emergency should be implemented in the state for three years.

"Seeking to avoid chaos, we suggest imposing a state of emergency for three years, in which the activity of any parties would be banned; the same period will witness the beginning of probes with the involvement of the international public into the crimes committed in Odesa, on the Maidan and in Donbass. This decision is long overdue, but all in good time; today we are offering a solution that can help stop the war", -Zakharchenko said.

"We are proposing a new plan for the reintegration of the country. Not so long ago we launched a state program to unite the peoples of Donbass, we offer all citizens of Ukraine a way out of the war through re-establishment of the country, this is a peaceful way out. We have already held consultations with representatives of the authorities and business of the regions, and also if the international community supports the idea, this is our first and the last offer", - Zakharchenko said.