
Khodakovsky commented on rumors about the unification of the "DNR" and "LNR" under the leadership of Azarov 07/13/2017 12:11:15. Total views 1133. Views today — 0.

Rumors are circulating about a possible unification of the "DNR" and "LNR" under the leadership of ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov. This was reported by the creator of the Vostok terrorist battalion Alexander Khodakovsky in the social network.

"In narrow circles, rumors began spreading about the forthcoming unification of LDNR... under the auspices of Mykola Azarov. There is some sense in these rumors", - he wrote.

According to the militant, the confirmation of these rumors is based on two circumstances - the connection of Mykola Azarov and Serhiy Kurchenko and, secondly, Kurchenko’s influence received as a result of taking a significant part of industrial complex under the external management.

“Rumors may be rumors, but I doubt we will work together”, - Khodakovsky warned potential future leaders of the LDNR.

"I know a lot about Zakharchenko from past and present, but I'm not going further than criticism, and I have no obligations before these figures", - he wrote.

Alexander Khodakovsky is a former employee of the SBU, he betrayed the oath and from the first days of the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine became one of the leaders of the Donbass terrorists. He created and led the Vostok battalion. Currently, he is moved away from all official posts in the "DNR". Now he is in the confrontation with the so-called "head of the republic" Alexander Zakharchenko. He stands for an idea of Donbass accession to Russia, but his approach to this matter does not find understanding in the Russian Federation.