
Ukraine to initiate issue of Crimea de-occupation at next UN GA session – Yeliseiev 07/12/2017 14:06:50. Total views 1155. Views today — 0.

Ukraine is preparing a number of initiatives for the next session of the UN General Assembly in September, in particular, on the de-occupation of Crimea, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Kostyantyn Yeliseiev told, according to Radio Svoboda.

"We are preparing for the session of the UN General Assembly. Ukraine will come out with certain initiatives within the UN framework, specifically, which will concern Crimea in part of its de-occupation", - Yeliseiev said.

According to him, the President "does not for a moment forget about their (Ukrainians who live in Crimea – Ed.) destiny, we take care of them and we will return the Crimea to Ukraine".

"The Donbass and the Crimea are like alpha and omega, we are raising these issues in our negotiations with international partners. As for the Crimea, we are also talking about new ideas for de-occupation of the Crimea using the already existing international mechanisms to return it under Ukrainian sovereignty", - Yeliseiev said.