
It is said in the "DPR" that they will easily catch "Ukrainian saboteurs", but the pass control has been strengthened 07/03/2017 10:56:34. Total views 1136. Views today — 0.

The pass control is being strengthened in the occupied cities and villages of the "DPR" in order to neutralize "Ukrainian saboteurs". Journalists of the separatist media were informed about this by Eduard Basurin, self-described as the deputy head of the "People's Militia of the DPR".

According to him, special services of militants "registered the arrival of several reconnaissance groups in Ocheretyne, whose mission is to infiltrate into the (occupied – OstroV) territory and carry out terrorist acts, with the subsequent accusation of the AF of the DPR or the Russian Federation".

Basurin stated that "direct-action special groups have been formed along the line of contact of troops and are in constant combat readiness" in order to counter these mythical saboteurs.

In addition, he told that "the pass control has been strengthened in the cities and villages (of the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast – OstroV).

At the same time, the "deputy head" stated that security officials of the "republic" would easily neutralize the "saboteurs", since they have all the data on them. "We will have no difficulty to identify and neutralize them timely".