
Former head of Transnistria fled to Moldova 06/29/2017 13:05:56. Total views 1267. Views today — 0.

The former head of the unrecognized PMR, Yevgeni Shevchuk, who was removed from immunity on June 28, left Transnistria and is in the territory controlled by the Moldovan government. This is reported by NewsMaker with reference to sources in the Moldovan state structures.

The deputy of the Supreme Council of the PMR Andrei Safonov wrote on Facebook that Shevchuk left Transnistria last night. Shevchuk himself called the opening of criminal cases against him and the removal of immunity "the struggle with political opponents".

The Supreme Council of Transnistria stripped off immunity from the former head of Transnistria in connection with the criminal cases on embezzlement of public funds on an especially large scale.

Andrei Safonov wrote that "according to the information of the PMR, yesterday Shevchuk was given the necessary documents (legally, he is obliged to attend the meeting of the Armed Forces when considering such an issue), but at night he crossed the Dniester and got to Moldova".

"I regret that my supporters, tens of thousands of Transnistrians who have given their votes for me in recent elections, still have to deal with these unscrupulous streams of lies and mud. I regret that the authorities and those who actually manage them are not in a position to offer people real success, replacing it with demonstrative provocations. People were promised a lot and a dollar at the rate of 11.3 after two months of rule. What do we see now? The soap opera was performed", - Shevchuk wrote on his Facebook page.

As for the removal of immunity, Shevchuk clarified that, in connection with the changes in the legislation, even before the presidential elections, he was deprived of all previous social guarantees. "Including immunity, about which I was officially notified by the head of the presidential administration in February. Privileges and so on are reserved only for the first president and those subsequent presidents who will retire. Therefore, all this is a well-planned, customized scenario, whose goal is to preserve power", - the former head of Transnistria summed up.

At a meeting of the Transnistrian parliament on Wednesday, June 28, the proposition of the prosecutor of the unrecognized republic about the removal of immunity from Shevchuk was considered. 35 deputies voted for it, one deputy opposed.