
Those wishing to visit the “DPR resort" have to fill in the "migration cards" at the entrance 06/29/2017 11:53:30. Total views 1199. Views today — 0.

Those who want to relax in the occupied seaside village Sedovo are forced to provide information about their passport data, registration and IMEI of a mobile phone. This is reported in social networks.

"Friends planning a vacation in Sedovo. I went to Telmanovo by bus Donetsk-Sedovo and the driver gave all the passengers a "migration card". I took one specially for you))))) You can fill it in a quiet home atmosphere before you leave", - wrote one of the residents of the uncontrolled territory.

 Under this post some people were outraged by the current situation with the passage to the "resort":

"Do you need a foreign passport too?",

"Heh heh)) welcome back to our shitty world",

"Tell me, it is also necessary to fill the migration card to get from the Kalinin market to Lenin's square?",

"You're joking but there are already queues on the entrance to Horlivka",

"I feel like Sedovo together with the Crimea, joined the Russian Federation without us",

"It’s just absurdity... it's strange that you can go there without fingerprints and fluorography",

"You have forgotten how it was like to travel to Sevastopol in the USSR",

"Now tell me that there is the naval base of the DPR and submarines",

"And if you need to show interest to your wife at night, you need to get a certificate from the republic too?",

"I understand everything and the war time... But it's just shit!!!! Not only this forgotten region now became a recreation center and the prices went up, they mocked the people even more  (((("

Earlier, residents of the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast were outraged that the militants installed checkpoints and introduced enhanced security measures at the entrance to one of the places for recreation on the territory beyond the control of the Ukrainian authorities - the village Sedovo.

In addition, the "DPR" militants do not allow observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Sedovo. On June 18, they did not allow the SMM patrol to the village, saying that they received an order not to let them and that this area is closed to foreigners.