
Militant Khodakovsky recalled that in 2014, the "DPR" was headed by "a guy with a Moscow registration" 06/07/2017 14:29:07. Total views 1276. Views today — 0.

Russia played a decisive role in creating the so-called "DPR", appointing Russian political analyst Alexander Boroday as the head of the separatist "republic". This was reminded by the creator of the terrorist battalion Vostok Alexander Khodakovsky on his page in the social network.

Debating with those who say that Russia does not help the rebellious Donbass, the militant reminded that it was Moscow that delegated its representative as the head of the fake DPR.

"Do you think the appearance of a guy with a Moscow residence as head of a newly formed state (Russian political analyst Alexander Boroday - OstroV) is a sufficient sign that Russia has turned its eyes to the territory? What about the most powerful information and propaganda wave raised by Russian media in support of Donbass?", - he asks a rhetorical question.

Khodakovsky explains why, in his opinion, Russia maintains tension in the Donbass in a shadow mode, but cannot legally begin military operations against Ukraine on the side of the "LDPR". In this case, the terrorist is sure that the myth that the events in the east of Ukraine is a civil war, will collapse. "Do my fellow citizens have the right to appeal to Russia, asking to be drawn into a situation that legally (at this stage - OstroV) can be regarded as a civil war?", - he asks.

Alexander Khodakovsky is a former employee of the SBU, he betrayed the oath and from the first days of the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine became one of the leaders of the Donbass terrorists. He created and led the Vostok battalion. Currently, he is moved away from all official posts in the "DPR". Now he is in the confrontation with the so-called "head of the republic" Alexander Zakharchenko. He stands for an idea of Donbass accession to Russia, but his approach to this matter does not find understanding in the Russian Federation.