
Traders in the SDDO markets were "officially" banned from selling Ukrainian goods 06/01/2017 17:19:38. Total views 1386. Views today — 0.

Entrepreneurs who trade in markets in the occupied Donetsk were "officially" banned from selling products imported from the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. The corresponding "order" of the "state enterprise" which controls the markets in the SDDO was posted by users of social networks.

The "order" of the so-called "Ministry of Inland Revenue" of the "DPR" on the ban on the import of goods from the territory of Ukraine appeared in early May.

And on May 25, entrepreneurs in the Donetsk markets were acquainted with the order which prescribes "to exclude raw materials, products, animal and plant products from the territory of Ukraine from the sale". When revealing the facts of the sale of products, they threaten to take "measures".

Residents of Donetsk report that the leader of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko allegedly personally went through one of the markets and warned entrepreneurs to remove the above mentioned goods until June 5.