
Special operation against the heads of the former Ministry of Inland Revenue: 454 searches, 23 people detained 05/24/2017 13:25:07. Total views 1174. Views today — 0.

Security officials conduct a special operation to detain the heads of 15 regional administrations of the former Ministry of Inland Revenue. This was stated by Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios at a briefing.

"I think that this is the biggest anti-corruption operation... on a countrywide scale. We identified USD 3.6 billion of damage to the state, and now the headquarters is located here, because there is a special operational regime for coordinating the detentions of suspects throughout the country. Anatoliy (Matios) will send them to the court", - Avakov said.

At the moment, 454 searches are being carried out, - the military prosecutor added.

"Now we conduct an operation concerning the first heads and their deputies of all 15 regional departments of the former Ministry of Inland Revenue, the so-called state tax administrations, which had a direct relationship to the organization of the functioning of the so-called tax sites, i.e. transiters for tax pits. As a result, the state was underpaid. In fact, the criminal organization of Yanukovych, Klimenko etc., was able to enrich itself for the amount of USD 3.6 billion proved by the investigation". - he said.

"At the moment, more than 1700 employees of the National Police and about 500 military prosecutors are conducting 454 searches in 15 regions, one-stage arrest of a number of people who will be delivered here by air (to Kyiv - OstroV). They will be sent to the Pechersk court for the choice of a measure of restraint", - Matios said.

According to him, some of the suspects, namely 23 people, have already been detained and a measure of restraint is being elected.