
Not Russia or militants. It became known who Donbass residents accuse of the beginning of the war 05/23/2017 15:32:03. Total views 1205. Views today — 0.

More than a third of the inhabitants of Donbass believe that the Ukrainian government is to blame for the military conflict in the East of Ukraine. This is stated in a research done by GfK Ukraine for UCBI.

So, answering the question, who is to blame for the military conflict in the Donbass, 30% of the inhabitants of the Donetsk oblast and 39% of Luhansk oblast named the central government of Ukraine.

Along with this, Russia is blamed for the conflict by only 15% of the inhabitants of the Donetsk oblast and 28% by Luhansk oblast.

21% of the residents of the Donetsk oblast and 20% of Luhansk oblast blame the US and the EU for the conflict.

People who are fighting in the East of Ukraine against the Ukrainian government are considered guilty by 7% of the population of the Donetsk oblast and 17% of Luhansk oblast.