
Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine and Lifecell began blocking Yandex and Russian social networks 05/17/2017 17:57:33. Total views 1265. Views today — 0.

Ukrainian mobile operators Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine and Lifecell have started blocking Russian Internet resources on the sanctions list. This is said in a statement published on the Vodafone website.

"Mobile operators Kyivstar, Lifefell and Vodafone Ukraine reported that from today the decree of the President of Ukraine No.133/2017 of May 15, 2017 "On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions )" entered into force. According to this decree, operators should suspend the provision of access to a number of web resources, in particular, social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, all Yandex and Mail.ru services, etc. From today, following the requirements of the decree, mobile operators begin restriction of access to these websites according to their technical capabilities", -the statement said.

It is noted that measures are being taken to restrict access to Russian websites that have been sanctioned.

As previously reported, President Petro Poroshenko put into effect a decision of the National Security and Defense Council on sanctions against 1228 individuals and 468 legal entities, according to which Ukraine imposed a ban on provision of Internet access to web services Mail.ru, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki  and Yandex.