
Mariupol is among the ten most secure cities of Ukraine – ranking 05/05/2017 13:03:44. Total views 1051. Views today — 0.

Mariupol was included in the ten most secure cities of Ukraine according to the ranking which was made by the Institute for Social and Economic Research, - the press service of the Mariupol City Council reports.

It is noted that the frontline Mariupol took the 10th line of the "Safety ranking of the oblast centers of Ukraine", bypassing Odesa, Kyiv and Lviv. It should be also noted that Mariupol is not an oblast center in fact. After the capture of Donetsk by militants, Kramatorsk became the temporary administrative center of the Donetsk oblast, but all regional departments of law enforcement agencies settled down in Mariupol.

"Safety ranking of the oblast centers of Ukraine is the result of comparison of the data of the Third All-Ukrainian Municipal Survey of Residents of Oblast Centers, conducted at the commission of the International Republican Institute (IRI) and statistics on the number of criminal offenses. The results of the study of security of the oblast centers were promulgated by experts during the Third Annual Conference on Democratic Governance in Kyiv", - the statement said.

The survey revealed interesting paradoxes. For example, more than 200 criminal offenses per 10 thousand population are registered in an attractive for tourists Lviv, but more than 65% of citizens feel themselves safe, while crime in the frontline Mariupol is one of the smallest in the country (32 crimes per 10 thousand population).