
SSU exposed the family of a former VIP official of the times of Yanukovych, who financed terrorists 04/27/2017 18:22:37. Total views 1056. Views today — 0.

The SSU exposed the family of a former VIP official of the times of Yanukovych on financing of the "DPR" terrorist organization. This was reported by the head of the Office of the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachuk, - the press center of the department reports.

Law enforcement officials have established that a daughter of the ex-official is the secretary of the "Donetsk republic" fake social movement. She illegally became the owner of the Donetsk Liqueur and Vodka Plant in 2015 with the assistance of the leaders of terrorists. The company pays taxes to terrorists and replenishes the so-called "Zakharchenko Fund" with money.

Special service employees documented that the woman sends part of the illegally earned profit to her father for the legalization of funds on the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. The ex-official bought real estate and invested in various business projects with this money.

The SSU operatives withdrew documentation which proves the implementation of financial transactions with the territories temporarily occupied by terrorists during authorized searches at the place of residence, in the office and safe-deposit boxes owned by the ex-official. Law enforcement officials also found more than one million US dollars, one hundred and thirty thousand euros, a large amount of gold in bars and pieces.

The pre-trial investigation continues on the basis of the criminal proceeding opened under Part 1 of Art. 110-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Yekaterina Sheibut is the secretary of the "Donetsk republic".