
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 04/27/2017 11:47:02. Total views 896. Views today — 0.

"The leader of the DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko: "I order to create a republican executive authority of the DPR of special competence - a Representative Office of the DPR at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination and in the negotiation process. I appoint Ruslan Yakubov (the chief of staff of the DPR Operational Command) the leader of the Representative Office".

Media: "The procedure of verification of prisoners of war is scheduled for Friday morning, April 28. This was announced at the meeting of the subgroup on humanitarian issues in Minsk on April 26 by the representative of the DPR at the parley Daria Morozova".

Media: "Motorized rifle and artillery detachments of the LPR conducted training of forcing water barriers with subsequent carrying positions of the imaginary enemy".

"The LPR Minister of Agriculture and Food" Ruslan Sorokovenko: "About 5% of the farmland of the republic is still not cleared of mines, although the mine clearance continued in winter, now and in future. But, unfortunately, the total area of ​​the mined lands decreases not at the rate that is desirable, as these territories sometimes increase along the contact line for different reasons. The situation with mine clearance is complicated by the fact that mine-laying in 2014 was by everything possible, and not all fields were mapped. This is a problem. In particular, there are great difficulties with the mine clearance in the airport area".

"The official representative of the People's Militia of the LPR" Andrey Marochko: "The People's Militia of the LPR is completely on the contract form of service. Conscription into the army, into the People's Militia is not provided".

"The Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR": "The registration for the "Donetsk dictation" republican educational action, which will be held on May 12, has started in all cities of the DPR".

Media: "The head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko ordered to allocate $154.5 thousand for the purchase of seats for the auditorium of the Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Solovyanenko".

Donetsk City Administration: "Donetsk will present 35 rose bushes to Rostov-on-Don on April 28 within the framework of the "Roses of Donetsk to the cities of Russia" project realization in acknowledgement of the assistance rendered to the suffered residents of the Donbass".

Media: "On April 25, on the birthday of the Marshal of the Soviet Union, the triple hero of the Soviet Union Semyon Budyonny, a flash mob took place near his monument, in which youth and veterans took part. The participants laid flowers to the monument, and then the secretary of the primary cell of the local branch of the "Donetsk Republic" Social Movement Olga Zhukova and the head of the library-branch No 14 Emma Starykh conducted a quiz with participants of the event in the form of a question-answer on the pages of the biography of the storied commander ".