
No to discrimination. Quotas for employers for workers over 45 years old are going to be introduced in Ukraine 04/21/2017 12:11:15. Total views 1161. Views today — 0.

The Ministry of Social Policy plans to introduce quotas for employers for people with disabilities and workers from 45 years. This was told by the Minister of Social Policy Andriy Reva in the program "On Politics" on Espresso.TV.

"One of the ideas that we are discussing now is quotas for disabled people. 4% of the personnel in each enterprise should be reserved for people with disabilities. The same should apply to people of certain age groups, who have to finalize a certain age length of employment, but they are not taken because of the age discrimination", - the minister said.

The quota is to be introduced to people aged 45 and over. According to Reva, this will interest employers to recruit such workers.

"It is better to employ a person, pay him/her salary so that it benefits, than pay much more money then to get this person from 45 years for the same funds that employer pays to the budget", - Reva noted.