
Weapons began to be distributed to the population in the "DPR" after one-day "reservist training" "in case of alarm" 04/06/2017 16:05:58. Total views 1061. Views today — 0.

The occupation authorities of the "DPR" ordered to distribute "combat weapon" to "reservists" that had undergone one-day "mobilization gathering". This was stated by the so-called "Defence Minister" of the pseudo-republic Vladimir Kononov in Shakhtarsk where the gathering took place, - the separatist media report.

It is noted that he "ordered to distribute weapons to reservists with military experience in case of battle alarm".

"Soldiers, enter upon the weapons receiving", — he said.

Several dozens of people received small arms directly at the training range, the rest will receive it in the near future. It is reported that weapons will be given only to those who "have military experience".

As previously reported, military aged males were mobilized for "reservist training" at the training range near the occupied Shakhtarsk in the "DPR" today on April 6. The so-called "authorities" of the "DPR" are ready to call up for "military service" and send to the front up to 27 thousand civilians whom they registered as the "reservists".