
"Why do sappers need to bother". A teacher from the occupied Novoazovsk was killed in land mine blast during litter pick 04/06/2017 12:54:02. Total views 936. Views today — 0.

Teacher from the occupied by the "DPR" Novoazovsk was killed by an ammunition explosion during the voluntary Saturday clean-up of the forest plantation. One of the separatist websites told the details of the tragedy.

It is reported that a group of teachers from the arts school and cultural centers held a voluntary clean-up. According to one of the leaders of the "DPR" Eduard Basurin, the people got to the area of fighting in the summer of 2014.

"The clean-up was held near the entrance to Novoazovsk. The number of participants is not reported yet", - the separatist website wrote.

During the work, a detonation of an unexploded ordnance occurred, as a result of which one woman was killed, seven more teachers were injured.

"They were taken to the hospital, the condition of the victims has not been reported yet", - local journalists tell.

According to OstroV, the explosion occurred after the teachers made fire.

"The empty-handed morons! To make teachers clean up the forest at the battle site. Why do sappers need to bother if there are women?", - users of social networks comment on the death of a woman.