
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 04/06/2017 10:40:27. Total views 866. Views today — 0.

"Operational command of the DPR": "On April 5, tragic incident occurred near Novoazovsk. The citizens cleaned up forest plantation, where an explosive device was left by the Ukrainian military in 2014. As a result of the explosion, a woman, born in 1972, was killed, seven others were injured".

Media: "The budget of the DPR for the second quarter of 2017 was approved. The main expenses will go to social security and the work of budget organizations".

Media: "The LPR began planting apple trees in the framework of the development of horticulture of the republic. In total, it is planned to plant 5 000 Fuji apple trees of and 2 000 Liberty apple trees in the village of Kuznetsovo-Mikhailovka in the Telmanovsky district".

Media: "The DPR karate team won the second place at the international tournament in Lyubertsy, Moscow  oblast".

Media: "The creative group of the Donetsk State Academic Music and Drama Theater visited St. Petersburg to participate in the XIX International Theater Festival "Meetings in Russia".

Media: "The Open Cup "Donbass Cup for Bodybuilding and Fitness-2017" will be held in Donetsk on April 8. The best athletes will later take part in the Russian championship".

Media: "The DPR sportsmen became the prize-winners of the All-Russian Greco-Roman Wrestling Tournament, held in the Crimea".

Media: "The "Miss Luhansk Beauty" contest, organized by the Luhansk representative office of the Moscow company Fashion House International and World Russian Beauty with the support of the Luhansk City Administration, was held at the Luhansk Palace of Culture named after Lenin. 39 girls took part in the competition".

"Prosecutor General's Office of the LPR": "Employees of the Krasnodon district prosecutor's office together with the employees of the LPR Ministry for State Security detained a UAZ truck on the Luhansk-Izvarino highway. A resident of the village Izvarino had 32 250 packs of cigarettes in his truck, which had no LPR excise tax stamps and documents proving their origin. Tobacco products and the truck were seized".

"The Ministry of Finance of the LPR": "The minimum wage for residents of the republic was increased by 6.5%. From April 1, the calculation of the payment is based on the minimum wage of USD 55".