
The search in the National Bank is made because of refinancing credits of Platinum Bank - the journalist 03/29/2017 17:39:01. Total views 1078. Views today — 0.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine makes a search and seizure of documents on refinancing credits of Platinum Bank in the National Bank. This was reported by the journalist Alexander Dubinsky on Facebook.

"Gontaryeva and Rozhkova ended up in a bad way with the protection of Kaufman and his Platinum Bank. According to my information, the NABU makes a search in the National Bank right now – there is a seizure of documents on refinancing credits of Platinum Bank", - he wrote.

He said that computers and all email correspondence of Kateryna Rozhkova are being seized in the office of the deputy head of the NBU.

"The core of the claims is an overrating of the value of pledges that the National Bank took to secure refinancing. In particular, this possibility is discussed on Moldova sanatorium in the published negotiations between Dmitriy Zinkov and Rozhkova, - Dubinsky wrote.

As previously reported, detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine conduct investigative actions in the National Bank.