
The SBU Directorate in the Donetsk oblast investigates 10 criminal proceedings on financing of terrorism 03/21/2017 16:36:13. Total views 876. Views today — 2.

Investigators of the SBU Directorate in the Donetsk oblast investigate ten criminal proceedings on financing of terrorism according to March data. This is reported by the press group of the SBU Directorate in the Donetsk oblast.

"Investigators of the SBU Directorate in the Donetsk oblast investigate ten criminal proceedings on financing of terrorism, that is, on the basis of the crime provided for by Article 258-5, including against the officials of the "fake" ministries of the "DPR", - the statement said.

It was reported earlier that the employees of the SBU Directorate in the Donetsk oblast documented the actions of the Ukrainian citizen on financing the militants of the so-called "DPR". An absentee suspicion was announced to the resident of the occupied Donetsk, who performs the leading functions in the so-called "central republican bank" of the "DPR".