
Presidential Administration supposes the introducing of sanctions against new "owners" of Ukrainian enterprises in CDDLO 03/06/2017 13:01:47. Total views 962. Views today — 0.

Sanctions on the part of the European Union and USA may be introduced against the possible new "owners" of Ukrainian enterprises in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (CDDLO). This was stated by the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Kostiantyn Yelisieiev on the air of Inter TV channel on Sunday evening, - Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"This is really about the seizure, I would even say, about the asset-grabbing on the part of the Russian side, on the part of the Russian militants. Of course, this asset-grabbing is not recognized by any civilized country of the world, and we already have today a clear position of the EU Member States and the USA on the non-recognition - it is the first stage, and the second stage is the introduction of smart sanctions against those owners and companies, including Russian ones, which have the potential to become the owners of Ukrainian enterprises", - Yelisieiev said.

According to him, the occupation "authorities" of CDDLO should think through carefully before making such a step.

CDDLO stated on March 1 that a number of Ukrainian enterprises on the occupied territory came under the "external control".