
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 02/28/2017 11:05:56. Total views 876. Views today — 1.

"The head of administration" of Petrovsky district of Donetsk Maksim Zhukovskiy: "The recent actions of the so-called activists who settled on the rails prove: the purpose of the current fascist leaders of Ukraine is to leave just scorched earth in our region. Descendants of Bandera, who got out of their hideouts, do not understand that the Donbass with its powerful industrial potential will survive, but Ukraine that had lost even the status of an agricultural country will join the ranks of the "banana republics" in the near future".

"The Deputy Chairman of the DPR People's Council" Olga Makeeva: "The blockade of the Donbass by Ukraine can just stimulate our desire for integration into the economic, political and cultural field of the Russian Federation. But in general the Kyiv authorities have no more impact on the foreign policy course of our young state. Our region becomes the integral and inviolable part of the Russian world. Ukrainian nationalists just have to accept this fact".

Media: "The Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics will introduce external management in enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction and stop supplying coal to Ukraine if Kiev does not stop the transport blockade of the Donbass by the beginning of March. This was stated by the Heads of DPR and LPR Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky. "We have to announce that if until Wednesday 00:00 (March 1, 2017) the blockade will not be lifted, we will introduce external management in all enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction, working in the DPR and LPR. We will stop supplying coal to Ukraine. We have neither the capacity nor the payment schemes for the coal supplies. We will rebuild all the production processes and focus them on the markets of Russia and other countries. This was one of our first program promises at the time of the proclamation of our Republics", - the joint statement of the Heads of the Republics said".

Media: "The leader of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko announced the creation of headquarters for control of transfer of enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction to external management in the Republic. "You know very well that the work of Yenakiyeve Iron and Steel Works and a number of other enterprises had stopped in connection with the blockade. We need to run these enterprises, think about the people. This applies to all enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction", - Zakharchenko noted".

Media: "The Luhansk People's Republic has created the headquarters for control of transfer of enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction to external management. This is said in the statement of the Chairman of the People's Council of the LPR Vladimir Degtiarenko".

Media: "Enterprises in the Donetsk People's Republic, stopped because of the transport blockade, can be launched within two months. This was stated by the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko. "It is difficult to name specific dates, from one month to two", - Zakharchenko said. The Head of the Republic noted that after the transfer of enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction to the legal boundaries of the Republic the state will be able to fill up to 70 percent of the republican budget at their expense".

Media: "The People's Council of the DPR adopted a law which requires non-residents, carrying out their activities in the territory of the Republic, to conclude agreements with the tax agents in the period up to March 1, 2017. In the case of non-compliance with the Law changes include the introduction of temporary administrations at the mentioned enterprises from March 1, 2017".

Media: "The authorities of the LPR developed a plan on the bringing out the economy of the Republic from the shadow. This was reported by the Acting Minister of Economic Development of the LPR Yelena Kostenko at the visiting meeting in the administration of Krasnodon and Krasnodon district today".

"DPR Operational Command": "Special Forces of the Operational Command of the DPR and representatives of the Ministry of State Security started training exercises on counteraction to subversives in the southern sector of the country".

"DPR Ministry of Emergency Situations": "61th humanitarian convoy from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation comes on February 28. According to preliminary data, the total weight of the load will be 198 tons, it will include children's food packages No 1 (up to one year) and No 2 (from one to three years)".

"DPR Ministry of Transport": "Suburban trains Debaltseve - Ilovaisk and Ilovaisk - Debaltseve, going through Torez station with all the stops at the stopping points along the route, are appointed from March 1, 2017 to their cancellation in connection with numerous appeals of railway workers, veterans of labor collectives of railway transport and inhabitants of the Republic ".

Media: "Evacuation of seriously ill children from the DPR to the Russian Federation will take place in the presence of the elected president of the Fair Aid Russian public organization Ksenia Sokolova. Fair Aid International Public Organization plans to evacuate seriously ill children this week to be treated in the Russian Federation. The visit of the president of the IPO Ksenia Sokolova and the head of "Help the South-East of Ukraine" and "For Children of Syria" projects Natalia Avilova is planned".

"The director of Donetsk Republican Art Museum" Nadezhda Anischenko: "Our museum has active collecting activities since the beginning of the war mainly due to the donated items. Despite the military operations, the collection of Donetsk Republican Art Museum was replenished with 2 126 items".

Media: "The Ukrainian side has renewed the water supply to Luhansk from Petrovsky pumping station located on the territory controlled by Kyiv. This was reported in the press service of the Luhanskvoda State Unitary Enterprise of the LPR".