
Militants took all military equipment out of Kominternovo and then withdrew military personnel – the ATO Staff 12/25/2015 10:57:25. Total views 1183. Views today — 0.

The number of attacks by pro-Russian militants at units of the ATO forces on December 24th decreased slightly. Since the beginning of the day there were about 15 cases of weapons used by militants, mostly near Donetsk and Gorlovka, - reports the press-center of the ATO.

According to the report, by using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns, the invaders tried to provoke Ukrainian defenders to open fire in response near Peski, Opytnoye, Avdeyevka, Novgorod, Zaitsevo, Mayors, Troitskyi and Luhansk. On the outskirts of Mariupol pro-Russian militants hit grenades aiming at our positions in the Shirokino area.

It is also noted that the ATO forces finally broke up another large-scale provocation of the pro-Russian gangs in Kominternovo.

At first Russian terrorist gangs hastily withdrew all equipment and heavy weapons from the village, and then members of illegal armed groups gradually left it.

The situation on the outskirts of Mariupol is completely controlled by Ukrainian defenders, - assured the staff of the ATO.