
Ukraine's Education and Science Ministry cancels licenses of colleges, universities in occupied areas 02/07/2017 15:40:42. Total views 899. Views today — 1.

Ukraine's Education and Science Ministry has revoked the licenses of higher education institutions located in temporarily occupied territory in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, according to the ministry's press service.

The Ministry stresses that after the annexation of Crimea and military aggression of the Russian Federation in the east of Ukraine in 2014, some higher education institutions have turned out to be in towns and cities where the Ukrainian government, particularly the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, cannot exercise powers for the time being.

 “In 2014-2016, nearly two dozen colleges, universities, institutes and academies moved from Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Crimea to Ukrainian-controlled territory. In particular, 40 "Crimea-Ukraine" and "Donbass-Ukraine" educational centers began work on the basis of these and other licensed universities last year. About 3,350 people applied to them during last year's admissions campaign", - the report says.

Earlier, the Accreditation Commission of Ukraine has recommended the Education and Science Ministry to cancel the license for educational activity of the higher educational institutions, which are not transferred to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

"On February 1, 2017 the Education and Science Ministry published orders №14-L, 15-L and 16-L which contain the list of higher education institutions, which are deprived of licenses, that is, are illegitimate and do not have the right to conduct educational activities. The full list can be found at this link", - the department reports.

A special qualification procedure has been developed for those students who got education in these institutions in Crimea after February 20, 2014, however, want their proficiency, results and the period of study to be recognized in Ukraine.

Education and Science Ministry says that those students from the uncontrolled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions who were enrolled for education and are in the Ukrainian electronic database have the right to study in Ukraine.