
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of the Donbass. The highlights 02/02/2017 11:23:13. Total views 921. Views today — 0.

"Ministry of State Security of the LPR": "The Ministry of State Security of the LPR received information about the formation of "Sonderkommandos" from the locals on the territory of the Luhansk oblast, controlled by Ukrainian forces".

Media: "Donetsk water supply, disturbed because of shelling by the Ukrainian army, will be renewed on February 1 until midnight. This was stated by the Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko to the journalists. "The water in Donetsk will be renewed today up to 00:00", - the head of the country said, noting that the process of water injection in reservoirs is going on currently".

"Ministry of Transportation of the DPR": "Donetsk – Horlivka route section near Yasynuvata was closed on February 1 because of the shelling. It is possible to leave Yasynuvata in the direction of Horlivka only through Makiivka and Yenakiieve".

Media: "The Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the cease-fire (JCCC) made agree the "cease-fire" for the repair works on the power lines damaged by shelling, that power the Donetsk filter station".

"Donetsk mayor's office": "The movement of municipal public transport in the Kiev district of Donetsk is limited because of the shelling, some routes are cut. Route taxis work without restrictions on the discretion of the carriers, but the route number 3 did not come out on February 1. So, trolleybus number 10 "Winter cold storage facility – Partizansky prospect" follows till Panfilova prospect (the route is cut by about 10 stops), tram number 1 "DMZ –Donetsk railway station" moves to Economichna street (6 stops), high-capacity bus number 73 "Shyroky microdistrict – Partizansky prospect" goes to Shakhtarska square (7 stops are cut)".

"Director General of "Voda Donbassa Company" public utility Oleg Mokry: "The first stage of restoration works was completed in the area of the Donetsk filter station on February 1. Works are completed as of today, they will be continued on February 2. Then we will try to run the DFS into work. We hope for a favorable outcome".

"State Bank of the LPR": "The State Bank of the LPR informs that the following official rates of exchange of the US dollar, euro and the Ukrainian hryvnia to the Russian ruble function on the territory of the LPR from February 2: 1 US dollar - 60,3099 rubles; 1 euro - 65,0322 rubles; 10 Ukrainian hryvnia - 22,2628 rubles".

Coordinator of "Molodaya Gvardia" Children and Youth organization of "Peace to the Luhansk region" social movement Yuriy Dyachenko: "Our organization is going to revive the "Ready for Labor and Defense" system (RLD) and Zarnitsa republican military and sports game in the Republic".

Media: "Activists of the youth organizations "Youth for Peace" and "Molodaya Gvardia" of "Peace to the Luhansk region" social movement took the initiative to return the school uniform to the educational institutions of the LPR at the meeting with the head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky. "It is possible to initiate a non-republican form, to have it all the same. Each school can distinguish itself by adding its own emblem and the city can also distinguish itself in this way, because each city has its own emblem and flag", - the chairman of the "Youth for peace" youth non-governmental organization Anastasia Voropaeva said".