
Non-resistance to evil. The General Staff explained why they would not liberate Kominternovo from militants 12/24/2015 14:58:39. Total views 1149. Views today — 0.

Ukrainian army cannot reconquer Kominternovo from terrorists because it is a direct violation of the Minsk agreements. This was announced by the speaker of the General Staff Vladislav Voloshin - reports TSN.

"Now the it is not about the liberation of Kominternovo in a military way. Because we adhere to the Minsk agreements. That is the mode of silence. And we try to solve all these issues by diplomatic means," - said Voloshin.

The General Staff noted that Ukrainian troops reinforce positions in this area and are ready to respond. Kominternovo is in the grey zone, where military units are forbidden to stand and terrorists provoke the Ukrainian military to violate the truce.

As OstroV reportes, the head of the Donetsk regional military-civilian administration Pavel Zhebrivskyi said on December 23rd that does not exclude the military option to liberate occupied by militants Kominternovo village and other towns of Donetsk region.

On December 22nd militants entered Kominternovo with armoured vehicles. Then they began to look for empty houses in the village, and OSCE observers weren’t allowed to enter the territory. Militants began to conduct searches of the civilian population and refused to negotiate on the village laberization. Militants are also undermining roads leading to Kominternovo.