
The self-proclaimed "DPR" introduces compulsory certification of non-existent airports 12/22/2015 21:53:31. Total views 1185. Views today — 3.

The self-proclaimed of the "DPR" established "procedure of obligatory certification and the certification requirements for airports as the facilities designed to receive and send aircraft, air traffic services and aviation services". This is evidenced by the order "of the Ministry of Transport of the DPR» №687, issued on December 17th.

As noted by the order "On approval of normative legal act "certification system in the transport and road sector. Airport Certification Rules - SST DPR CA 02-2015" approved "normative legal act that establishes the procedure for mandatory certification and the certification requirements for airports as the facilities designed to receive and send aircraft, air traffic services and aviation services".

International Donetsk airport was completely destroyed in the fighting. According to media reports, on the territory controlled by the militants there are airfields in Mospino and Yenakiyevo, designed for sport aircraft, from which parachute jumps are performed and rural airfield in Rozovka.