
Banks began to "squeeze" illegally loan debts from forced migrants 10/17/2016 19:08:30. Total views 1192. Views today — 2.

A growing number of migrants, who have debts on loans, face the problem of pressure from the banks. It was reported in Pravo Na Zashchitu, Vostok-SOS, KrimЅOЅ.

"Recently there have been more reports about the pressure put by the part of some banks on forced migrants who have loan debts. In particular, they report about calls and SMS from banks that state that in the case of non-payment of the loan debt, default interest and penalties will grow," - says the report.

Thus, the lawyer from Pravo Na Zashchitu German Petrov notes that in October 2014 the Law "On temporary measures for the period of the anti-terrorist operation" came into force in Ukraine, its Article 2 stipulates as follows: "During the anti-terrorist operation it is prohibited to apply fines and/or penalties on the principal amount of debt of the obligations under the loan agreements as of April 14th, 2014 for the citizens of Ukraine who are registered and reside permanently or moved to the in the period from 14 April 2014 from the settlements specified in the approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine list, where the anti-terrorist operation was carried out."

"Thus, the obligation to pay the loan and interests remain, but it is prohibited to apply penalties and fines. Banks and other financial institutions are required to cancel penalties and fines applied to persons stipulated by the article for the principal amount of the loan under the loan agreements during the ATO," - said Petrov.