
Serious threat of destabilization in Kharkov region - the head of the PA 10/12/2016 13:13:09. Total views 950. Views today — 0.

There is a threat of destabilization, including on the part of the Russian Federation, on the territory of Kharkov region if the authorities don’t act. It was stated by the head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Igor Rainin on 24 TV channel, - reports RBC-Ukraine.

"If you do not take some action and do nothing, then of course it is (destabilization threat - Ed.). I know, we are now very active in Kharkov region and other regions that border on the ATO area and Russia," - said Rainin.

However, he also noted that the "Anti-terror" programmes have been previously adopted in Kharkov region, as well as safety and territorial defence programmes.