
Ministry of Justice explained when the debtor may lose housing 10/04/2016 18:20:59. Total views 1111. Views today — 0.

Collecting housing from debtors to levy utility bills is not widely applied at the present time. It is stated by the explanation of the Ministry of Justice about the situation with the collecting of housing on account of debts for utilities.

The law "On Enforcement Proceedings" prohibits the debtor to take the only housing and the land on which it is located.

At the same time, in order to protect the rights of children it is prohibited by applicable law to collect immovable property in which minors are registered. In such cases, it requires prior permission of the guardianship authorities.

The statutory order of collecting debtor's property suggests that, first of all, the debt must be repaid at the expense of the debtor, and in case of lack of funds - at the expense of another property, and only in extreme cases collecting of housing is applied.

"Thus, collecting housing from debtors to levy utility bills is not widely applied at the present time," - explained the Ministry of Justice.