
Patriots in Kramatorsk told the foreign ministers of Germany and France that Donbass did not need any special status 09/15/2016 12:30:49. Total views 958. Views today — 0.

Members of the patriotic action met foreign ministers of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and France Jean-Marc Ayrault with the anthem of Ukraine near the OSCE office in Kramatorsk, - reports the correspondent of OstroV.

People held banners (including in English) that said: "We say: "No special status!" "No to the special status! We – Ukraine", " Kramatorsk - Ukraine", etc. Most people came with state flags of Ukraine.

"We came here to show that we are Ukraine and we do not need any special status," - said the protesters.

As previously reported, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault said it was needed for Ukraine to provide special status to occupied Donbass and proposed to begin this process immediately after the cease-fire by militants.