
In Donetsk gunners in masks robbed a bus with entrepreneurs who were going to Moscow for goods 09/14/2016 18:15:13. Total views 957. Views today — 0.

In occupied Donetsk armed men in balaklava robbed a bus with entrepreneurs going to Moscow for the purchase of goods. A few sources informed OstroV about that.

The robbery took place a few days ago, but the information about it appeared today.

According to eyewitnesses, the bus was still in the city when the driver got a call from a woman under the guise of a businesswoman and asked to "take her with him, if there is enough free seats."

The driver agreed and stopped the vehicle near Auchan on the outskirts of Donetsk.

"The woman never came. Instead, gunners in balaklava broke into the bus and took money from passengers, valuable things and even passports. Understandably, people went to Moscow not with small amounts. On average, everyone had at 100- 200 thousand rubles," - said the source.