
Russia is responsible for the protection of the population in occupied Donbass and the Crimea - Council of Europe 09/08/2016 18:05:15. Total views 925. Views today — 1.

Russia is responsible for the protection of the population on the occupied territory of Donbass and the Crimea and, therefore, must ensure respect for human rights. it is stated in the draft statement of the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee, published on the website of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and that will be considered at the October session in Strasbourg.

The document notes that according to international law, Russia is responsible for the protection of the population living in the occupied part of Donbass and must guarantee the fundamental rights of all the residents of the Crimea and in the "DPR"/"LPR".

"Serious human rights violations took place and are still taking place both in the Crimea and in the conflict zone in Donbass," - said Marieluise Beck (Germany, ALDE), introducing her report of the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee on "measures of protection of the violated rights on Ukrainian territory outside the territories controlled by Ukrainian government. "

The draft resolution to be discussed at the PACE session in Strasbourg in October calls on the competent authorities, both in Ukraine and in the Russian Federation, to investigate effectively all cases of serious human rights violations that are likely to be committed in all areas under their control, to being lawbreakers to justice and pay compensation to the victims.