
Some MPs offer not to mention some income and assets in the officials’ e-declarations 09/08/2016 16:16:07. Total views 873. Views today — 0.

MP from Narodnyi Front Tatiana Donets offers the Verkhovna Rada to amend the draft law on electronic declaration of income of the officials in making it possible to omit some income or assets. It is stated in the draft law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

Donets offers in Art. 46 that the declarant submits information about the owner and co-owner of the object which is a common property only "upon written request of the National Agency". At the same time, it is proposed not to mention data on cost and date of acquisition of the ownership, possession or use.

In addition, the MP offers to provide information about people who have received securities from the declarant on request of the NAPC.

"In case if the securities are transferred to the control of another person, that person’s data are available upon written request of the National Agency," - stated the draft law.

The current draft law provides that the declaration may be fully or partially published on the official website of the National Agency upon the request of the declarant. Meanwhile, Donets offers not to make public " information given in the declaration with respect to the registration number of the registration card taxpayer or series and number of the passport of citizen of Ukraine, place of residence, date of birth of persons in relation to whom the information is given in the declaration, the location of objects that listed in the declaration (except for the region, district and location where the object is located)."

The representative of the Narodnyi Front faction, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legal Policy and Justice Leonid Yemets said on September 8th on Facebook that the faction would not support amendments to the law on electronic declaration of income of officialsproposed by MP Donets.

"We raised this question at the faction meeting. It is the position of a single MP and the decision of the faction is not to support the draft law and not to vote for it. The decision is unanimous. The author (Donets - Ed.) was absent at the meeting," - he wrote.