
Monday events on the occupied territories of Donbass 09/06/2016 11:10:27. Total views 1024. Views today — 0.

"Head of the delegation of the "DPR "in Minsk" Denis Pushilin: "The issue of prisoner exchange remains burning. There will be no progress without the amnesty law due to the fact that only he it can fulfil paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Set of Measures."

"Acting Minister of Economic Development" of the DPR" Victoria Romaniuk: "For the first time since the beginning of hostilities outflow of the population of the republic has been replaced by growth. Population migration growth in the first half of 2016 amounted to 14 people."

"Authorized Representative of the "LPR" in Minsk Vladislav Deynego: "The LPR does not remove the question of opening checkpoint through the contact line in the area of Zolotoye from the agenda of the Minsk negotiations, but opening of road checkpoint in the area of Schastye remains a priority."

Media: "Leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky named the Second Guards Motorised Brigade of the People's Militia after the Hero of the Soviet Union Kliment Voroshilov by his decree."

"Ministry of Transport of the "DPR": “Donetsk Railway SE transported 359.1 thousand passengers on all railway routes of the republic for the summer season. 304.4 thousands of them were privileged citizens in accordance with the legislation of the DPR."

"Acting Minister of Culture of the "DPR" Mikhail Zheltyakov: "The Russian State Film Fund gave the DPR a collection of unknown films about the Great Patriotic War. The film demonstration will take place in the period from September 5th to September 11th. The collection includes films such works Rain (Liven), Who returns – that one will love again (Kto Vernyetsa - Dolyubit), Antosha Rybkin, The Way to the Stars (Doroga k Zvyozdam) and others. Most of the films were created during the Great Patriotic war."

"The Ministry of Construction and Housing of the "DPR": "The DPR started to pay more for communal services. The payment figure amounted to 89.1% for 7 months. People have become more active in terms of paying not only for housing (82.5%), but also for the removal of solid waste (86.1%), heating (98.7%) and water supply (75.3%).

Media: "American fighter of mixed martial arts Jeff Monson, who got Russian citizenship, is going to come to Luhansk to celebrate the Day of the City, as well as to obtain the LPR passport."

Media: "Employees of the Ministry of State Security of the LPR have stopped 60 espionage agents of the special services of Ukraine for eight months of 2016, they were engaged in the collection and transfer of secret information."

Media: "Leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky ordered the State Customs Committee of the LPR to develop a draft law providing for seizure of transport from smugglers in favour of the republic."

Media: "Leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky ordained a feast - Tourism Day Celebration by decree to keep and develop long-term historical traditions, professional skills, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle."