
Kiev agreed resumption of the work in the "Norman format" with France and Germany. It is up to the Russian Federation – Poroshenko 08/31/2016 21:35:05. Total views 1009. Views today — 0.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the Ukrainian side agreed resumption of the work in the "Norman format" with France and Germany. Poroshenko told journalists about that in Mariupol on Wednesday, - reports Interfax-Ukraine.

"Now the deputy head of the Presidential Administration Yeliseyev informed me that this issue (ceasefire as of September 1st  - Ed.) was agreed with our partners from France and Germany, as well as the issue  of resuming work in the "Norman format", - said Poroshenko.

The President noted that it was "Norman format" was the most effective format of negotiations in this context.

"Any other meetings outside the "Norman format" are, in their opinion, inappropriate," - he said, adding that now all are waiting for the decision of the Russian side.

"This is the beginning of the implementation of the security component of the Minsk agreements. There is hope," - said Poroshenko.