
State Special Communication Service issued a certificate of conformity to electronic declaration in terms of CSIS - head of department 08/31/2016 20:28:29. Total views 963. Views today — 0.

State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection issued a certificate of compliance with the complex system of information security (CSIS) to a single electronic register of declarations and will pass it to the National Anti-Corruption Agency on Wednesday August 31st. It was stated by the head of the service Leonid Yevdochenko at the briefing on Wednesday, - informs Interfax-Ukraine.

"Todayall the flaws committed by the developer are removed by specialists of the State Special Communication Service ... We have determined that registry meets all the requirements of the CSIS and a certificate of conformity was issued by the State Special Communication Service and will be passed to NACA today,"- he said.

As previously reported, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said on August 31st that the security certificate for electronic income declaration system would be handed over to representatives of the National Anti-Corruption Agency on Wednesday in the evening.