
Svoboda received 200 thousand dollars from the Party of Regions – Levchenko 08/19/2016 15:19:35. Total views 1226. Views today — 0.

Shadow accounting of the Party of Regions has a record of the money allocation of 200 thousand dollars to Svoboda. MP from Petro Poroshenko Bloc Sergey Levchenko stated that at the press conference, - reports UNIAN.

MP also noted that he could not make all shadow accounting public, as it may harm the investigation on political corruption, but urged the head of NABU Artem Sytnik to do it.

"For society to understand what corruption is, it would be good for NABU to announce all 800 pages of shadow accounting. I, therefore, call on Mr. Sytnik t disclose this accounting," – said Leshchenko.