
Russia’s accusations - an occasion for regular military threats in the address of Ukraine – Poroshenko 08/11/2016 12:12:08. Total views 1343. Views today — 0.

Russia’s accusations of terrorism in the occupied Crimea regarding Ukraine seem to be as senseless and cynical as the statements of the Russian leaders about the absence of Russian troops in Donbass. It was stated by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, - reported his press office.

“These fantasies pursue the only goal: a pretext for more military threats against Ukraine. Ukraine resolutely condemns terrorism in all its forms and shapes. We would never ever use terror to de-occupy Crimea, “– stated Poroshenko.

“Russia provides money and arms to support terrorism in Ukraine. It became a state-led policy on the occupied areas of Crimea and eastern Ukraine that resembles the Soviet Great Terror,” – said the President of Ukraine.

He stressed that “Russia will fail to undermine Ukraine’s reputation on the international arena and press for lifting sanctions with such provocative acts.”

“I urge Russian authorities to honour the international law, especially respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity of states and human rights. I expect Russia will implement security clauses of the Minsk Agreements including via Normandy Four procedures, “– noted Poroshenko.

“Ukraine is devoted to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity exclusively through political and diplomatic means. That includes de-occupation of Crimea,” – stressed   the President.

The Ministry of Defence denied the false information spread by the FSS about the alleged involvement of departments of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine in subversive activities on the territory of temporarily occupied Crimea. The agency says that the Russian Federation is trying to distract world public opinion from the events taking place in the annexed Crimea.